heal your chronic pain

Chronic pain is, in part, considered a neurodegenerative disease. It is something that so many people experience, and we have to think about how chronic pain is mismanaged in our country. We really need to dig deeper into the biological, metabolic and pathophysiology of chronic pain, which is much more than opioids and NSAIDs.

understanding pain

We have all experienced pain in our lives. Perhaps it’s been acute pain where you roll your ankle, or it’s more chronic pain, something like low back pain that’s been around for months or even years. It could also be from surgery or some kind of procedure that you may have had done that could cause a considerable amount of pain. Therefore, it is important to understand pain—understand the pain in your own body, and what implications it has.

Do you have hip pain that you are continually trying to stretch, roll, or smash, and nothing seems to get better? Before we get into the role of the psoas, one of your key hip flexors, let’s speak about the local stabilizers and global stabilizers of the body. This is important to understand how you are going to treat your hip flexors and hip pain.

pelvic floor

Let’s discuss a much-overlooked topic in modern medicine, especially as it relates to rehabilitative medicine… the pelvic floor. Yes, both men and women have a pelvic floor, and both can be compromised and contribute to many different conditions including but not limited to incontinence issues, sexual issues, and chronic pain. The pelvic floor is essentially … Read more

eliminate low back pain part three

Part Three of a Three Part Series

In the last blog, we talked about how low back pain is managed in the US. Today, we are going to discuss evidence-based and practice-based measures of effective low back treatment. The evidence shows us that there are specific criteria to indicate which treatment is best. 

Why acute low back pain becomes chronic?

As mentioned before in part 1 and part 2 articles of this low back pain series, because most back pain in the US is mismanaged, the time it takes for someone to get the best treatment is prolonged. Imaging is typically unnecessary and prolongs the period of time that you are experiencing pain, which ultimately can contribute to a sense of hopelessness and chronic pain, otherwise known as chronic sensitization of the nervous system.

Once you have acute low back pain, you naturally become fearful of having it again. So, you change your movement, activities, and even thoughts and emotions. Pain is simply information. It is a signal. Are you moving well? Too much? Not enough? Eating highly processed foods? Drinking too much alcohol?

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eliminate low back pain

Part One of a Three Part Series

I see back pain on a regular basis, actually closer to a daily basis, and I see everything from acute low back pain, SI joint pain, to chronic low back pain and more. I’m sure that if you’re reading this either you or your closest friend, co-worker, or a family member has had it before. In fact, one in four people experiences back pain in their life.

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