the deep core

In this episode, I take you on a journey to the core—specifically, how to stabilize it and enhance your posture. Since the core is the foundation for all movement, we’ll explore practical, actionable ways to optimize your approach to core functionality. As a Doctor of Physical Therapy, Functional Medicine Practitioner, Registered Dietitian, and Mindfulness Instructor, … Read more

Should you do crunches

Have you seen the latest detox diet on social media? Three days to detox your body? Unfortunately, it is not that simple. We want to take into consideration our toxic burden or total toxic load and how this affects our chronic health conditions and how we’re feeling on a day-to-day basis.

how sugar affects your pain

Do you know how sugar is impacting your pain and inflammation in your muscles or joints? Sugar is, in fact, at the top of the list as one of the biggest contributors to pain. Numerous studies continue to prove that sugar promotes pro-inflammatory markers. This is important because chronic low level and systemic inflammation is what contributes to many of the health conditions that we are presented with. In fact, 90% of all chronic disease is associated with inflammation.

how to burn more calories

Did you know that you can burn almost 350 additional calories each day, which is equivalent to 30 pounds per year if you include more NEAT in your life? NEAT stands for Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis. It is defined as any other type of activity that is outside of your purposeful physical training. Think of this as the energy expenditure related to the daily maintenance of your body, leisure activities, occupation, and all of the things outside of your intended physical 30 to 60 minutes at the gym.

5 minure facelift

Did you know that you can do a five-minute facelift that will make you feel completely refreshed, revitalized, and also bring you to a state of social engagement by stimulating the cranial nerves and the relaxation response? Do you ever feel like your face just feels like it needs a little bit of a lift, but you don’t want to do anything cosmetic? Well, this is exactly where you want to start.

how to test your vagus nerve

Did you know that you can test your vagal nerve function, and not only can you test it, but you can begin to tap into the healing power of the vagus nerve? Your vagus nerve is responsible for the regulation of internal organs such as digestion, heart rate, respiratory rate and impacts certain reflex actions like coughing, sneezing, and swallowing. It is critical to optimal health and you can tap into it-but first, find out what state you’re in.

Do you have hip pain that you are continually trying to stretch, roll, or smash, and nothing seems to get better? Before we get into the role of the psoas, one of your key hip flexors, let’s speak about the local stabilizers and global stabilizers of the body. This is important to understand how you are going to treat your hip flexors and hip pain.

Did you know that you do not have to do crunches and sit-ups to train your core? In fact, crunches, sit-ups, and many other similar core exercises can negatively impact your core, especially if they’re not done properly. How can you train your core without doing crunches? Rather watch or listen? What comprises our core? … Read more

Be empowered to actively participate in your mind-body journey, achieve lasting whole body wellness, and courageously live life fully in every way.

Do you have questions? Contact us here.