vagus nerve hacks not working

Have you been trying all of these different vagus nerve hacks and they just don’t seem to be doing the trick. You’ve tried breathing, you’ve tried meditation, you’ve tried humming and cold showers, but you still feel like you’re really dysregulated. Check out this video for more information.

Vagus nerve hack trapezius twist

Do you have forward head posture or know someone who does? Or maybe you are sitting at your desk all day and you are constantly feeling restricted? Well, if so, this vagus nerve hack is for you.

Pelvic Floor Relaxation

Another great vagus nerve hack that you can do is pelvic floor release and relaxation. What’s interesting about the pelvic floor is that we tend to hold so much tension here. This is where we tend to hold our emotions and typically can have actually more of a tighter pelvic floor.

Be empowered to actively participate in your mind-body journey, achieve lasting whole body wellness, and courageously live life fully in every way.

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