Optimal vagus nerve function drives your digestion, assimilation, and elimination. Let’s discuss all the reasons and benefits as to why optimizing your vagus nerve function will help with your gut health.

Optimal vagus nerve function drives your digestion, assimilation, and elimination. Let’s discuss all the reasons and benefits as to why optimizing your vagus nerve function will help with your gut health.
We first want to remember that the vagus nerve is 80% of our parasympathetic nervous system. Think of this as our ‘rest and digest system.’ For us to have optimal digestion, we have to be in a calm and safe state.

ear release

Do you want to continually improve your emotional, mental, and physical well-being anytime, anywhere? The external ear is the only place on the body where the vagus nerve sends its only peripheral branch. In fact, the auricular branch of vagus nerve surfaces as the afferent auricular vagus nerve. Afferent means that when we stimulate the periphery (ear, in this case), it signals back to the brain. The ear release can be a simple technique for you to integrate into your life.

vagus nerve hack neck release

Not only can you consciously tap into the power of your vagus nerve; you should. Known as the “wandering nerve” in Latin, it begins in the brainstem and innervates the muscles of the throat, circulation, respiration, digestion and elimination tracks. It accounts for 80 percent of our parasympathetic, or “rest and digest,” nervous system. Healthy vagal activity is associated with better physical and mental well-being. Otherwise, it can cause issues such as inflammation, heart disease, and strokes.

Be empowered to actively participate in your mind-body journey, achieve lasting whole body wellness, and courageously live life fully in every way.

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