Functional FREEZE State

Ever feel mentally and physically stuck, unable to make decisions, or lacking motivation? That numb, frozen sensation, where even relaxing feels impossible, is what we call a functional freeze state. It’s a survival response your body uses more often than you might realize. Let’s unpack why this happens, how it affects us, and simple strategies … Read more

benefits of grounding

Earthing ( or grounding ) is a timeless and modern discovery! ⁣ Living in contact with the Earth’s natural surface charge- being grounded- naturally discharges and prevents chronic inflammation in the body.⁣ The Earth has a natural negative charge and maintaining contact with the ground allows your body to naturally receive and become charged with these electrons. ⁣When we are grounded, we absorb them which reduces electrical imbalances in the body and oxidative stress / inflammation. ⁣

Be empowered to actively participate in your mind-body journey, achieve lasting whole body wellness, and courageously live life fully in every way.

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