What is your liver telling you

What is your liver telling you?

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by Arianne Missimer

Your liver is your metabolic workhorse. It is one of the most powerful digestive organs that we have and is important for metabolism, detoxification, hormone balance, production of bile, and more. You want to know what your liver is telling you.

What types of emotions might be correlated with liver function? What physical symptoms may be correlated with your liver function?

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What You Need to Know About the Liver

Not only is your liver one of the most powerful digestive organs, but it also weighs between two and up to 5.5 pounds in each person. I had the opportunity to see my husband donate his liver to his father, which was one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen.

So just know that our liver has so many important functions in our body, but it’s also, from an emotional standpoint, considered our life energy, or life force, along with the kidneys. So our psyche and our liver work hand in hand, and our liver specifically can be a release of very strong emotions.

The Liver and Our Emotions

Let’s dive into the emotional piece of how the liver and liver symptoms can present themselves. We want to remember that our body stores memories and trauma and emotions in our cells, and sometimes when we have a triggering or life-altering event, our body can pass this on to specific organs.

So many times, we each have an organ that tends to be our emotional organ, where we often hold emotions. How might issues with your liver present themselves emotionally?

This could be present as having a hard time knowing yourself, having some type of dependency on your mother, or perhaps lacking self-esteem. You might also feel depressed, have an absence of creativity, maybe not feel as motivated, have episodes of moodiness, and you could also be a prisoner of routine.

You may not experience every one of these, but these are some of the more common symptoms, just indicating that your organ of emotion may be the liver.

The Liver and Its Physical Symptoms

Now, how could some of the physical symptoms present themselves? This could present as a sharp sense of smell. It could present as facial swelling, chronic sinusitis, really greasy hair, or even hair loss. It can also present as unrested sleep and have issues with temperature regulation in the right side line during sleep.

We want to remember that our musculoskeletal system protects our viscera. However, our viscera are what are in our organs or what drives our system. So it’s really important to also remember that we have seven times more interoceptors than we do proprioceptors, and that just means that we have a lot of information relaying to the brain from our viscera. This is what actually gives us our internal awareness of self.

As we take a deeper look at our body, our concerns, and our symptoms, we want to be able to look at it from all aspects, and including the organs can be really powerful in helping you heal your body.

Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel, The Movement Paradigm, for weekly tips on mindset, nutrition, and movement. Of course, make sure to check out our other videos, especially on the vagus nerve.

And if you need help, please reach out for a consultation, so we can do a free discovery session to see if we are a good fit to help you on your healing journey. Thank you.

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