Have you had an injury or even surgery that’s left a scar? Have you ever worked on your scar? And do you know why it is so important in your healing? Today, we are going to dive into the topic of scars, how to assess them, how to treat them, and why they are so important that we do both of those.

How to assess and treat your scars

Did you know that your scars, whether from surgeries, falls, or even tattoos can provide significant psychological and functional consequences? The great thing is that scars are a normal part of healing, but what happens is our collagen fibers that are normally aligned in a parallel fashion, lay down in a haphazard direction. Because of this, the myofascial tissue is much stronger, however, it is not as elastic and typically not as functional.

Be empowered to actively participate in your mind-body journey, achieve lasting whole body wellness, and courageously live life fully in every way.

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