Craniosacral Therapy in Downingtown, PA

Craniosacral Therapy

Have you been addressing muscles and bones with massages and manipulations, but still feel like you aren’t where you want to be with decreased pain?

Did you consider the importance of addressing your craniosacral system? Our craniosacral therapy in Downingtown, PA puts a large emphasis on realignment and stabilizing this important system in your body.

Your craniosacral system is comprised of soft tissue, bones, and fluid protecting your brain and spinal cord. Disruptions in this system can occur due to increased tension which impacts your central nervous system and in turn disrupts the performance of your other body systems. This could lead to pain and dysfunction not resolved with treatment not addressing your central nervous system function.

Craniosacral therapy is a gentle touch treatment used to help release restrictions allowing to free the central nervous system by not only improving soft tissue and bone but fluid movement, to alleviate pain and dysfunction.

Our approach to Craniosacral therapy includes manual treatment based on an assessment of movement and strain patterns followed by exercises in order to improve whole body health and performance. Treatments and experiences vary based on the person, so the outcome of your craniosacral therapy in Downingtown, PA is highly individualized.

Who can benefit from this treatment:

  • Chronic neck and back pain
  • Migraines and Headaches
  • Central Nervous System Disorders
  • Motor-Coordination Impairments
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Stress and Tension Related Disorders
  • Fibromyalgia
  • TMJ Syndrome
  • Orthopedic Problems

Our belief is if you are going to release soft tissue, mobilize a joint, and/or move fluids you need to stabilize afterward in order to make a long-lasting change from a neuroplasticity standpoint.

This is why we combine craniosacral therapy with exercises tailored to your needs.

What to expect:

  • You can wear loose-fitting comfortable clothes and will be in a relaxed environment lying face up on a treatment table. 
  • Your experience may vary from feeling deeply relaxed to possibly falling asleep. You could experience an emotional release, too. You could feel a variety of sensations throughout your body. Some patients may feel nothing at all, which of course does not mean the treatment is not effective. 
  • CST helps the body resume its natural healing process, therefore it is common to have continued improvement for weeks after the session. There may be a reorganization phase as the body adapts to the release of previously held patterns.  

Thank you Dr. Missimer! My 13 year old daughter was struggling with a painful and sore back for weeks that was prohibiting her from playing soccer. Dr. Missimer was able to diagnose and treat her, and after just 2 visits, she played a soccer game pain free! With Dr. Missimer’s knowledge and treatment plan, and Jocelyn’s dedication and commitment to the exercises, she continues to be pain free. I am so thankful for her!

Kristie B

Arianne is really one of a kind. I came to her after months of pain. I wasn’t getting any sleep, I was barely able to sit down and stand up on my own (I’m 28 years old), it took me 20 minutes to dress myself and I couldn’t put on my own socks and shoes. I was at a breaking point. I’m not someone who takes pain medication so I tried additional stretches, yoga, a chiropractor, rest, etc. Arianne had been recommended to my by someone at my gym so I finally gave her a call. During my first visit Arianne listened to me give her a long-winded history of all my injuries. I was rattling them off, thinking they meant nothing, until she explained that all of it, literally EVERYTHING was connected. She genuinely seemed excited to fix me. I started making progress almost immediately, starting with learning how to breath properly! It’s hard for me to be “benched” from all activities but I got myself in the mindset of getting healthy. I don’t know if I could’ve done that with someone other than Arianne. Arianne was extremely invested in my success and because of that I wanted to get better for myself but also for her, so I listened! Fast forward, less than 2 months I am back at the gym, building my strength and stamina back up. More importantly though, I know how to listen to my body, I know how to breath properly and I know what signs to look for to avoid injury down the road. Like many, exercise for me is my therapy and I can’t thank Arianne enough for helping me get back into the swing of things (pun intended). Thank you so much!!”

Kelly L

“I had hurt my back when I was just 17 years old. 36 years, multiple doctors, chiropractors, massage therapists, yoga instructors, fitness gurus later, I met you. You were giving a golf movement program, and from across the room you noticed my pain. You told me to get a script from my doctor and that you’d exam me. You were confident you could cure my back pain. I did what you asked, and you did what you said you would do. You cured my 36 year problem! You helped me with my shoulder too! You’ve shown yourself to be not just an expert in your field but an expert’s expert! Your positivity is contagious, and your genuine concern for all your patients is what I admire most and why I confidently recommend you to anyone in need.”

Gary S